Saturday, 24 June 2017

Alice in Wonderland- The Final Chapter

So here we are. Where have the past eight weeks gone? It's been a series of strange but undeniably wonderful rehearsals as the Chameleons prepared their production of 'Alice in Wonderland!' and today saw that production unveil itself to their waiting audience!

Before it all kicked off there was time enough for some final games together. Over the course of the project the Chameleons have all become experts at the games we play and so today we gave them the choice of what they wanted. They opted for shapes and party quirks. We have a number of funny guests (including water and a bee) and some brilliant shapes, such as the creation of a chess game.

Then there was just enough time for a final dress rehearsal with the lights and sounds. The effort everyone had put into learning the play and their characters really showed and it was great to see the show before the audience arrived.

And thus, the hour came. The audience were sat and the show began. We were immensely proud of all the Chameleons. Everyone got up on stage and performed the play they had worked so hard to create. There was laughter, suspense and wonder as the show played out and when the lights finally fell upon Alice's return from Wonderland a well-earned applause could be heard.

There was just enough time to give everyone out their Arts Award, Over the eight weeks the games and activities the Chameleons took part in were recorded in their log books, each contributing to everyone's Arts Award. It was our pleasure to be able to hand these out after the show and give another very well deserved applause.

Overall, it has been an amazing project for us and we have enjoyed every minute of it. Again I must write that we are lucky to have such dedicated and talented young performers working with us and we cannot wait to get the next adventure started! Next up we have a brilliant week-long summer school show at Exeter Phoenix in August: 'A Pirate's Tale' follows the adventures of young Jude who unexpectedly ends up on the quest of a lifetime! Meanwhile the Chameleon group will return with another Saturday project in September. What will that be you ask? We suspect we might know; but will maintain the suspense for now and enjoy what a lovely ride this project has been. Until next time; take care! 

Saturday, 17 June 2017

Alice in Wonderland- Week 7

It's incredible to think that we've almost arrived at the end of our fantastic 'Alice in Wonderland!' project! But, unbelievable as it might seem, this morning we had the penultimate session with the Chameleons, which meant it was time for...that's right; the dress rehearsal.

Dress rehearsals are always good fun. It's a chance for the cast (and us) to not only see all of the props and costume in action, but also see the show through for the first time. Sure, in previous weeks we have run scenes together, but today marked the first time we watched the show from the beginning all the way to the end; and it was wonderful!

Before all of that though; there was time for a game of shapes (because what would a rehearsal be without the shape game?). Today we decided to throw some abstract ones at the group, such as creating the elements, water, wind, earth and fire. There was lots of fantastic movement by all and some cool interpretations of all these.

We decided to go a fit more iconic with the latter shapes in today's game, such as create the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Egyptian Pyramids and Big Ben. Once again, working as a team the group were able to come up with some very convincing physical images!

Once everyone was warmed up we had just a couple of bits to work on, such as going back over the puppetry. Practice went well, the cast have become very good at steering and manipulating the puppets for the show and it all looks great!

Then we began. With props, sound and costumes the Chameleons dived into the dress rehearsal for the show. At the risk of spoiling next week's big performance we'll skip ahead to after we finished the run. What we can say without spoiling anything is that it is clear the amount of effort that the Chameleons have all placed into it. We're so proud of each of them and cannot believe how far we've come since first hearing the story seven weeks ago. The cast drive the play. They are fantastic and we are very lucky to have them.

After the dress run was finished we decided to do something fun; a complete speed-run of the play. Speed runs are fantastic; they are almost always hilarious to watch and take part in, and help everyone remember where they come in and leave and what is said during the scene. Within the final ten minutes (that right; we did the whole thing in ten minutes) this went from mad to downright bonkers; characters were dashing in and out, shouting what they were doing and then everyone was in fits of laughter. A fantastic way to end the week.

So we're almost there. Next week will be the final rehearsal for 'Alice in Wonderland!' followed by the actual performance of it. The cast are excited and so are we; it's going to be fantastic and cannot wait to see everyone in action once the audience are sat. Until then enjoy some of the snaps taken from the dress run.

Saturday, 10 June 2017

Alice in Wonderland- Week 6

It's hard to believe that we're already in the sixth week of 'Alice in Wonderland!' It's been quite the ride so far and everyone has been working very hard to put the performance together. This week was no exception. With just two weeks until show day the Chameleons were hard at work this morning as we staged the last few scenes and began the final approach.

We played a fun game this week to help everyone think about status and the personalities of their characters. Everyone was given a card which either had the number two or a king on the face of it. Then they had to walk around the room and act like someone who had a matching status; with two being someone who holds a low status (and might be shy, quiet and timid for example) and king being the opposite (someone who might be confident, controlling, with a large personality).

Everyone was then asked to stick a different card on their forehead and walk around the room. They had to guess whether they were a king or a two from the way people treated them.Afterwards to discussed how the activity might link into the characters in the play. What status does Alice have? Does the Cheshire Cat have a low or a high status? What about the Rabbit or the Queen? We also talked about how someone who is a King may not have a high status, or that it is not class that determines it. For instance the Cheshire Cat, we decided, had possibly the highest status in the play, as she is always in control of events and never intimidated.

Next we moved onto the moment we have been waiting for; Alice's meeting with the Queen of Hearts; the notorious ruler famous of taking the heads of her subjects when she doesn't get what she wants. It was fun exploring the dynamic between these two; with Alice being somewhat afraid and confused by the Queen and the Queen of Hearts herself being overbearing, demanding, loud and powerful.

What was also a lot of fun was exploring the Cheshire Cat and the role that she plays in Alice's adventure. Within the show we have two different Cats. One version is acted. The other is the disembodied head which floats around the stage causing mischief. It was brilliant to play with both, switching between the two as the Cheshire Cat plays her tricks on the Queen and causes a lot of trouble for Alice.

We looked at some of the different tricks the Cat could play by switching between puppet and person. It lead to some very funny moments that made everybody laugh. With all of the puppets present in the show it's lovely to see the Chameleons really coming into their own puppeteering each and every one.

So with that the play is finished and now begins the process of final rehearsals before the big show on Saturday 24th June. Time has gone so quickly but it sure has been a lot of fun! Next week we will be attempting to have our dress run of the show! It will be exciting to (hopefully) see everyone in their costumes! Until then! 

Theseus and the Minotaur/The Odyssey: Week 6- 'Down in the Labyrinth/ Circe's island.'

A quick blog entry this week- as we are neck deep into rehearsals now and at that point in the term where there's little to say abo...