Thursday, 20 June 2019

Theseus and the Minotaur/The Odyssey: Week 6- 'Down in the Labyrinth/ Circe's island.'

A quick blog entry this week- as we are neck deep into rehearsals now and at that point in the term where there's little to say about what we get up to in our Chameleon rehearsals that doesn't spoil the plot of the performance for everyone. The Chameleons were kitted out in costumes again this week, only this time they were for the shows- a mini dress rehearsal, if you like. Over the past few weeks we have learned that sizing up togas for two groups of 6-11 year olds is actually quite a challenge. We decided that the easiest way to see if things would fit was to just ask everyone to try things on...and why not have the rest of the rehearsal in costume too?

On the Theseus side of things we have reached the end of our grand story and saw Ariadne embark on a quest to meet with Athena to help save Theseus. Meanwhile the hero himself heads down into the Labyrinth to face off with the Minotaur. For those following, our story follows the plots of Theseus, Ariadne and Athena, all of whom feature heavily across these scenes: so it was a pretty busy rehearsal with many important story moments.

Term seems to be flying past now and it all feels very bizarre that we find ourselves at the big battle between Theseus and the titular Minotaur already. This week we did get the chance to do some stage combat with the Chameleons, which is always good fun. The highlight was undoubtedly when one of the group asked if we would use the same format as with 'The Three Musketeers' last year. Always a massive win when the Chameleons remember things we teach them. Applause!

Over on the Odysseus side, the hero and his crew found themselves this week catching winds. On the isle of Aeolus they attempt to find a way to reach home (yet again). This was a great scene to work on, as it involved some fantastic prop weather and some ribbon-ography (like choreography, but with ribbons). The Chameleons had great fun with the ribbons as Odysseus and co attempted to catch the correct one.

Then we reached Cerci's island, where she resides with apprentice Cassie. Again, we had a great time creating this scene, which featured many pigs, a battle with a sorceress and some comic spell casting. We all noted how much work the cast were putting into the show and how entertaining it was to watch. To conclude the sessions in both groups we held a photoshoot with the cast for posters. Our Theseus poster features our three point of view characters, while the other features Odysseus and his friends upon the high seas.

Again, as term begins to round up, there are less spoiler-free things to say in the blog, so posts will become significantly shorter. Our Chameleons are doing a tremendous job- the universal love for these stories is driving everyone this term and both shows are looking amazing. The team are immensely proud and cannot wait to share the shows in a few weeks with parents and friends.

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Theseus and the Minotaur/The Odyssey: Week 6- 'Down in the Labyrinth/ Circe's island.'

A quick blog entry this week- as we are neck deep into rehearsals now and at that point in the term where there's little to say abo...