Saturday, 7 July 2018

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz- Weeks Nine & Ten- Dress Rehearsal!!!

Things have been busy at Anthos HQ and our Chameleons have been hard at work finishing the show and getting ready for the final performance next week. This morning was very exciting; it was dress rehearsal day! The dress rehearsals are always wonderful fun, as we get to see all of the work from the project come together!

New additions to the show feature more of our luminous Wizard, a lovely firefly dance number and a wickedly magical final battle between Dorothy and the Witch, featuring some nifty magic fire dancing routines. As always we try and push the Chameleons by giving the show physical theatre elements...both this week and last were spent working on what we had and incorporating even more into the madness.

With the arrival of our poster and programmes this week, everything is now set and ready for the doors to open next week. On Saturday our Chameleons will unveil their show to the audience. We're so excited to see how it all goes- with the lights and sounds it is bound to be a very exciting day for everyone. Plus, we can finally unveil our next project for after the summer holidays! As I said, it's been busy here.

Busy or not, that is it for this post. It's always hard writing these later entries; as we don't want to give too much away before the actual show. The Chameleons have done a wonderful job though and we are so very proud of all their effort and creativity that has been put into the performance. Next will be a round up post for the project after the show. Until then enjoy snaps from our dress-rehearsal.

Theseus and the Minotaur/The Odyssey: Week 6- 'Down in the Labyrinth/ Circe's island.'

A quick blog entry this week- as we are neck deep into rehearsals now and at that point in the term where there's little to say abo...