Saturday, 13 May 2017

Alice in Wonderland- Week 3

The fun continued this morning as the Chameleons had their third rehearsal for 'Alice in Wonderland!' What an action packed week it was; we really tried to fit a lot into our usual two hours. but it was a whole heap of fun and we made some fantastic work! Ben was away this week so we were joined by the lovely Emma, who is also helping us work on some fantastic puppets for the final performance.

We had our usual round of games to get warmed up and ready. We had a focus on physical activities this week and our games led into a slightly varied version of an activity from last week. The group have to walk around the space and become different shapes and objects, working together to create these using only themselves. Whacky shapes for the week included a bicycle, a washing machine and a house.

Last week the group worked together to make a dragon. Keeping with the theme this week of having the Chameleons work together on a single creature: they were asked to create a Kraken. The Chameleon's Kraken needed to be able to move around the room and attack a passing ship. There was some good ideas put forward from everyone and the group ended up with a fully functioning monster.

The group were also asked to create their own unique creature. It could be anything they wanted. Everyone walked around the room and slowly became their creature; they had to think about how it moved, where it lived, what it sounded like and whether it was a friendly creature or not. We had some lovely creatures by the end of the exercise including a Dancing Kitten, a Poisonus Frogfly and a hybrid of a fish and a butterfly.

Next came time for some more puppetry. Alice and the Caterpillar made their return. This week the group was divided in two; one half of them set to work on bringing the caterpillar puppet to life while the others controlled Alice. The task the group was given was to create a scene in which Alice interacted with the Caterpillar.

Emma was on hand to give some expert puppetry advice and a fantastic scene was produced with one very sassy Caterpillar. The group worked together to make the puppets move and talk and it was nice to see such decent teamwork from everyone.

We then set to work on some scenes. The group was divided into two once again and each was given a scene. One group had a scene between Alice and the Doorknob, the first wonderland creature she encounters on her journey, and the second scene had Alice meeting Rose, Lily and the rest of the flowers in the flower forest. The Chameleons were asked to think about how they could show characters who were not human on stage. For the flowers it ended up being lots of physical movement, while the doorknob was a combination of two people; one person's head and one person's hand.

Finally everyone received their characters! That's right the cast finally know who it is they will be playing in the show! With this great revelation came the introduction of our Arts Award logs. Each member of the cast has a log containing their script and space for any other contributing evidence that will go towards obtaining the award.

To close the session everyone got to work at decorating the front cover of their logbooks. It was a fantastic week and some incredible work was produced by everyone. The group are becoming more and more confident with the puppets; which is good as more and more will start appearing over the coming weeks. There is no session next week as we are holding our brilliant 'Discover Storytelling' event at Exeter Library. Come one, come all to the library next week for some lovely storytelling games and a whole lot of fun! There are sessions at 9:30am and 1:00pm, be there or be square. See you in a couple of weeks!
See our website for details about the library event:

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