Sunday, 24 February 2019

The Girl and the Fox- Week 6: 'The Sorcerer' & Inuit Mask Making

A busy week for our Chameleons! We had our usual Saturday rehearsal this morning, followed by a fantastic Arts Award workshop. We shall try and summarise it all in a brief blog post, but a great deal happened (all of it fun).

The morning started off with practice for the show. This week The Girl and the Fox reach the wicked part of the world, filled with evil spirits and evil people. The group split up to rehearse as usual. The first team staged a scene where the Girl is attacked by dark spirits, represented on stage using green ribbons. The scene was filled with some excellent movements and reactions from all performers.

Meanwhile the second group staged The Girl's meeting with an old man in the dark woods. After talking a while she realises his true identity is that of a wicked sorcerer and finds herself his prisoner. This scene is a long one, as it also includes the story of a lost boy and how Siku came to be banished from the tribe many years ago. It is also the scene in which we meet the Girl's mother, as a spirit animal. A busy scene indeed, but an important one on her journey. Once both scenes had been created we came together and shared them, offering feedback and working on the material we had.

Following the session, we moved to another room for a follow-up workshop. This term we have quite a few people taking part in the Arts Award, a certification for young people celebrating involvement in the arts. The aim of the workshop was simple; to design some Inuit themed masks for the show, as this would help to achieve some of the marking criteria for the award.

Nearly all of our Chameleons joined in and got making some fantastic masks. We focused on animals, as these are what the dark spirits might usually look like. There were also some character masks however. We learned the important role that masks played in storytelling and how sculptors would emphasise on certain characteristics to convey what kind of character it was. For instance, an evil one might be grotesque.

Our Chameleons made some fantastic creations which will hopefully feature in the final show. It was great to see the group there supporting their peers in achieving the award. That will be all for now though (keeping it brief). Next week we aim to finish the play and begin getting ready for the final performance. It's half term this week so we hope everyone has a good rest.

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